
Silkworm Care Sheet.

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Upon arrival ambient air temps should be kept around 75-80 degrees when caring for silkworms.
    • Place the container of Silkworms upside down when storing to allow all the poop to fall away from the food.
    • Open the container of silkworms daily to allow the silkworms more fresh air and to remove their poop.
    • Store the Silkworms in an open area and watch them grow to the size you need for feeding.
    • To help the Silkworms last longer, make sure to clean out the poop and keep them in close to 75-80 degrees and 60% Humidity.

NOTE: Silkworms are a high source of Calcium, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, and Vitamins B1, B2, and B3. During the time that the Silkworms will be in your care, make sure that no mold starts to grow. If it does remove the Silkworms from the container that they are in and make a new home for them or hurry up and feed them to your pet. If they have turned into Moths, you have waited too long.